New media is the original form of the computer, computing, and relying on computers for distribution. Some examples of new media are websites, mobile apps, virtual worlds, multimedia, computer games, human-computer interfaces, computer animation, and interactive computer installations.
New media are often contrasted with "old media", such as television, radio and print media, though scholars in media communications and studies have criticized rigid differences based on novelty and novelty. New media does not include television programs (only analog broadcasts), widescreen movies, magazines, books, - unless it contains technologies that allow generative or interactive digital processes.
Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia, is a great example of New Media, incorporating accessible Internet-accessible digital text, images and videos with web links, creative participation by contributors, interactive feedback from users and community building of editor and donor participants for non-readers -the community. Facebook is another kind of New Media, including the category of social media models, where most users are also participants. Another type of New Media is Twitter which also belongs to the category of social media, where users interact with each other and make public announcements. Both Facebook and Twitter have increased in usage in recent years and have become an online source for information.
Video New media
In the 1950s, the connection between computing and radical art began to grow stronger. It was not until the 1980s that Alan Kay and his colleagues at Xerox PARC started giving personal computers to individuals, rather than having large organizations responsible for this. "In the late 1980s and early 1990s, however, we seem to be witnessing a different kind of parallel relationship between social change and computer design.Although causally unrelated, conceptually it makes sense that the Cold War and Web design took place at exactly the same time same."
Writers and philosophers such as Marshall McLuhan played an important role in the development of media theory during this period. The current declaration known in the Media Understanding: Extensions of Man (1964) that "medium is the message" draws attention to the influence of over-ignored media and technology, rather than their "content", "has human experience about world and society at large.
Until the 1980s the media mainly relied on print and analog broadcast models, such as television and radio. The last twenty-five years have witnessed a rapid transformation into the media based on the use of digital technology, such as the Internet and video games. However, these examples are only a small representation of the new media. The use of digital computers has changed the remaining 'old' media, as suggested by the advent of digital television and online publications. Even traditional media forms such as printing machines have been transformed through technology applications such as image manipulation software such as Adobe Photoshop and desktop publishing tools.
Andrew L. Shapiro (1999) argues that "the emergence of new digital technologies signifies radically potent changes that control information, experience and resources" (Shapiro quoted in Croteau and Hoynes 2003: 322). W. Russell Neuman (1991) suggests that while "new media" has the technical ability to pull in one direction, economic and social forces pull back in the opposite direction. According to Neuman, "We are witnessing the evolution of an interconnected network of interconnected audio, video, and text communications that will blur the distinction between interpersonal and mass communication as well as between public and private communication" (Neuman quoted in Croteau and Hoynes 2003: 322). Neuman argues that the new media will:
- Change the meaning of geographical distance.
- Allows a large increase in communication volume.
- Provides the possibility of increasing communication speed.
- Provides opportunities for interactive communication.
- Allow previously separate forms of communication to overlap and interconnect.
As a result, it has been debated by experts such as Douglas Kellner and James Bohman that new media, and especially the Internet, provide the potential for a democratic, postmodern public domain, where citizens can participate in well-informed non-hierarchical debates related to their social structure. Contrary to this positive assessment of the potential social impact of the new media are scholars such as Ed Herman and Robert McChesney who have suggested that the transition to new media has seen a handful of powerful transnational telecommunication companies reaching a level of global influence that has so far been unimaginable..
Bachelors, such as Lister et al. (2003), has highlighted both the positive and negative potentials and the actual implications of new media technologies, suggesting that some early work into new media studies are guilty of technological determinism - where media effects are determined by technology itself, rather than through social network tracking complex that governs future development, funding, implementation, and technology development.
Based on the argument that people have limited time to spend on different media consumption, Transfer theory argues that the audience or readers of a particular outlet leads to a reduction in the amount of time that individuals spend on others. The introduction of New Media, such as the Internet, therefore reduces the amount of time individuals will spend on the existing "Old" Media, which can eventually lead to the end of the traditional media.
Maps New media
Although there are several ways that the New Media can explain, Lev Manovich, in the introduction of New Media Reader , defines New Media using eight propositions:
- New Media versus Cyberculture - Cyberculture is a variety of social phenomena related to internet and network communication (blogs, multi-player online games), while New Media is more concerned with cultural objects and paradigm (digital to analog television, iPhones).
- New Media as Computer Technology Used as a Distribution Platform Ã, - New Media is a cultural object that uses digital computer technology for distribution and exhibition. eg (at least for now) the Internet, Web sites, multimedia computers, Blu-ray discs, etc. The problem is the definition should be revised every few years. The term "new media" will not be "new" anymore, as most forms of culture will be distributed via computer.
- New Media as Software Controlled Digital Data Ã, - New Media Language is based on the assumption that, in fact, all cultural objects that rely on digital representation and computer-based delivery do share some quality general. New media is reduced to digital data that can be manipulated by software like other data. Now media operations can create multiple versions of the same object. Examples are images stored as matrix data that can be manipulated and modified in accordance with additional algorithms applied, such as color inversion, gray scale, sharpening, rasterization, etc.
- New Media as a Mix of Existing Cultural Conventions and the Software Convention - New media can now be understood as a fusion of older cultural conventions for new data representation, access and manipulation and convention representation data, access, and manipulation. The "old" data is a representation of the visual reality and human experience, and the "new" data is numerical data. Computers are kept outside of the "creative" decision, and delegated to technician positions. eg In movies, software is used in some production areas, in others created using computer animation.
- New Media as Aesthetics Accompanying Early Stages of New Technology of Modern Media and Communications Ã, - Although ideological allusions do appear to reappear regularly, many aesthetic strategies may reappear two or three times. For this approach to be truly useful, it will not be enough to just mention strategies and figures and record moments of their appearance; instead, we must develop a much more comprehensive analysis that will link the history of technology with social, political, and economic history or the modern period.
- New Media as a Faster Execution of Algorithms Previously Performed Manually or via Other Technologies - Computers are the great speed of what was once a manual technique. for example a calculator. Dramatically speeding up execution allows representational techniques that were not previously available. It also allows many new media art forms such as interactive multimedia and video games. At one level, modern digital computers are just faster calculators, we should not ignore the other identities: cybernetic control devices.
- New Media as Encoding Avant-Garde Modernis; New Media as Metamedia Ã, - Manovich states that 1920 is more relevant to New Media than any other time period. Metamedia coincides with postmodernism because both process old works rather than create new works. Avant-garde new media is about new ways of accessing and manipulating information (eg hypermedia, database, search engine, etc.). Meta-media is an example of how quantity can change into quality as in new media technologies and manipulation techniques can repeat modernist aesthetics into very different postmodern aesthetics.
- New Media as Parallel Articulation of Similar Ideas in Post-World War II Art and Modern Computing Ã, - Post World War II Art or "combinatorics" involves making drawings by systematically changing one parameter. This leads to the creation of very similar images and spatial structures. This illustrates that the algorithm, an important part of this new medium, is not tech dependent, but can be run by humans.
The emergence of new media has improved communication between people around the world and the Internet. This has allowed people to express themselves through blogs, websites, videos, images, and other user-made media.
Fly (2002) states that, "as a result of the evolution of new media technologies, globalization takes place." Globalization is generally expressed as "more than an extension of activity beyond the borders of certain nationalities". Globalization shortens the distance between people worldwide with electronic communications (Carely 1992 in Flew 2002) and Cairncross (1998) expressed this great development as "distance death". The new media "radically disconnects between physical and social places, makes physical location less significant for our social relationships" (Croteau and Hoynes 2003: 311).
However, changes in the new media environment create a series of tensions in the concept of "public space". According to Ingrid Volkmer, "public space" is defined as a process in which public communication becomes restructured and partly independent of national political and cultural institutions. This global public sphere trends not only as a geographical expansion of a nation to the rest of the world, but also alters the relationship between the public, the media and the state (Volkmer, 1999: 123).
"Virtual communities" are being established online and transcending geographical boundaries, eliminating social restrictions. Howard Rheingold (2000) describes this global society as a self-defined network that resembles what we do in real life. "People in virtual communities use the words on the screen to exchange pleasantries and argue, engage in intellectual discourse, trade, plan, exchange ideas, gossip, feud, fall in love, create art that is a bit tall and overwhelming empty "(Rheingold) quoted in Slevin 2000: 91). For Sherry Turkle "making computers become the second self, finding souls in machines, can replace human relations" (Holmes 2005: 184). The new media has the ability to connect like-minded people around the world.
While this perspective suggests that technology drives - and therefore a decisive factor - in the process of globalization, arguments involving technological determinism are generally favored by mainstream media studies. Instead, academics focus on the many processes in which technology is funded, researched and produced, forming feedback when technology is used and often changed by users, which is then incorporated into the process of guiding their future development.
While commentators such as Castells support "soft determinism" in which they argue that "Technology does not determine society, neither does society review the course of technological change, because many factors, including individual creativity and entrpreneurialism, intervene in the scientific discovery process, technical innovations and applications social, so that the end result depends on a complex interaction pattern.That dilemma of technological determinism may be a wrong problem, because technology is society and society can not be understood without its technological tools. "(Castells 1996: 5) However, this is different from stating that community change is instigated by technological developments, which remind Marshall McLuhan's test.
Manovich and Castells argue that while the mass media "deals with the logic of the mass industrial society, who appreciate the appropriateness of individuality," (Manovich 2001: 41) the new media follows the logic of postindustrial or global society, where "every citizen can build his own lifestyle custom and select ideologies from a large number of options.Instead of pushing the same object to a mass audience, marketing is now trying to target each individual separately. "(Manovich 2001: 42).
The social movement media has a rich and multilevel history (see Agitprop) that has changed rapidly since New Media became widely used. Ziapista National Liberation Army Chiapas, Mexico was the first major movement widely recognized and effective using New Media for communiqué and organizing in 1994. Since then, New Media has been used extensively by social movements to educate, organize, share cultural product movements, communicate, build coalitions, and more. The 1999 WTO Ministerial protest activity was another milestone in the use of New Media as a tool for social change. WTO protests use media to organize original actions, communicate with and educate participants, and be used as alternative media sources. The Indymedia movement has also evolved from this action, and has become a powerful tool in the democratization of information, another widely discussed aspect of the new media movement. Some scholars even view this democratization as an indication of the creation of a "radical socio-technical paradigm to challenge dominant, neoliberal and technological models of information and communication technology." This less radical view along this same line is that people use the Internet to generate grassroots globalization, which is anti-neoliberal and people-centered rather than capital flow. Chanelle Adams, a feminist blogger for the Bi-Weekly Media webpage says that in her "commitment to anti-oppressive feminist work, it seems obligatory for her to remain know only to remain relevant to the struggle." In order for Adams and other feminists working to spread their message to the public, new media becomes essential to accomplish this task, allowing people to access motion information instantaneously. Of course, some are skeptical of New Media's role in Social Movement. Many scholars show unequal access to new media as a barrier to broad-based movements, sometimes even some oppressive in motion. Others are skeptical about how democratic or useful it really is for social movements, even for those with access.
New media have also found use with less radical social movements such as Free Hugs Campaign. Use online websites, blogs and videos to demonstrate the effectiveness of the movement itself. Along with this example, the use of high-volume blogs has enabled many views and practices to become wider and gain more public attention. Another example is the ongoing Free Tibet Campaign, which has been viewed on many websites and has little to do with the Gorillaz band in their Gorillaz Bitez clip featuring the 2D main singer sitting with protesters at the Free Tibet protest. Other social changes seen coming from New Media are the trends in fashion and the emergence of subcultures such as Text Speak, Cyberpunk, and various others.
Following the trend in Speech and Text Talking, New Media also paved the way for "trendy" social change. The Ice Bucket Challenge is the latest example of this. All in the name of raising money for ALS (a lethal neurodegenerative disorder also known as Lou Gehrig's disease), participants were nominated by friends via Facebook, Twitter and ownmirror to throw a bucket of ice water on themselves, or donate to the ALS Foundation. It became a big trend through the Facebook tagging tool, allowing nominations to be tagged in the post. The videos appear in more people, and the trend is spreading rapidly. This trend generated over 100 million dollars for the cause and increased donations by up to 3,500 percent.
National security
New Media has also recently become attractive to the global espionage community as it is easily accessible electronically in database format and hence can be quickly retrieved and re-engineered by the national government. Particularly appealing to the espionage community is Facebook and Twitter, two sites where individuals freely leak private information that can then be archived and archived for automated file creation on both interested persons and the average citizen.
New media also serves as an important tool for agencies and countries to promote their interests and values ​​(The content of such promotions may vary according to different purposes). Some communities consider it a "peaceful evolution" approach that can erode their own nation's value system and endanger national security.
Interactivity has become a term for a number of new media usage options evolving from the rapid deployment of Internet access points, media digitization, and media convergence. In 1984, Rice defined a new medium as a communication technology that enables or facilitates user-to-user interactivity and user-to-user interactivity. Such a definition replaces the traditional "one-to-many" mass communication model with the possibility of a "many-to-many" communication network. Every individual with the right technology can now produce his online media and include images, text, and sounds of whatever he chooses. Thus, the convergence of new communication methods with new technologies shifts the mass communication model, and radically re-shapes the way we interact and communicate with each other. In "What is a new medium?" Vin Crosbie (2002) describes three types of communication media. He saw Interpersonal media as "one to one", mass media as "one to many", and finally New Media as Individuasi Media or "many to many".
When we think of interactivity and its meaning, we assume that it stands out only in the dynamics of the face-to-face individual conversation. This limitation of opinion does not allow us to see its existence in mediated communication forums. Interactivity comes in several programming jobs, such as video games. This is also feasible in traditional media operations. In the mid-1990s, filmmakers began to use cheap digital cameras to make movies. That's also the time when mobile image technology has been developed, which can be viewed on a desktop computer with full movement. The development of this new media technology is a new method for artists to share their work and interact with the big world. Other interactivity settings include radio and television talk shows, letters to editors, audience participation in such programs, and computer programming and technology. New interactive media has become a real benefit for everyone because people can express their artwork in more than one way with the technology we have today and there is no limit to what we can do with our creativity.
Interactivity can be regarded as a central concept in understanding new media, but different forms of media have, or allow different degrees of interactivity, and some forms of digital and convergent media are not at all interactive. Tony Feldman regards digital satellite television as an example of new media technology that uses digital compression to dramatically increase the number of television channels that can be delivered, and that changes the nature of what services can offer through, but does not change the television experience from the user's point of view, and therefore does not have fully interactive dimensions. It remains the case that interactivity is not a characteristic inherent in all new media technologies, unlike digitalization and convergence.
Terry Flew (2005) argues that "the global interactive game industry is large and growing, and is at the forefront of many of the most significant innovations in new media" (Flew 2005: 101). Prominent interactivity in online video games like World of Warcraft, The Sims Online and Second Life. This game, which is the development of "new media," allows users to build relationships and experience a sense of belonging beyond traditional time and spatial boundaries (such as when gamers enter from different parts of the world interact). This game can be used as an escape or to live a desired life. Will Wright, the creator of The Sims, "is fascinated by the way gamers become so attached to their invention - with some even living their lives through it". New media has created virtual reality that becomes a virtual extension of the world we live in. With the creation of Second Life and the Active World before that, people have more control over this virtual world, a world in which whatever participants can think of can come true.
New media is constantly changing as it continues to be modified and redefined by interactions between users, new technologies, cultural changes, etc.
New forms of New Media appear like Facebook's Web 2.0 tools and YouTube, along with the video games and consoles they play. This helps make video games and video game consoles a new medium. Players on YouTube post videos from those who play the games they love and want to watch. Cultural changes happen because people can upload their play experiences to Web 2.0 tools like Facebook and YouTube for the world to see. Consoles such as Xbox One and PlayStation 4 have WiFi connectivity and chat rooms in most of their video games that allow gamers-to-gamer conversations around the world. They also allow people to connect to YouTube, so if they stream/record gamers, it's possible to easily upload to YouTube so the world can see it. Even older video game consoles are becoming new media because YouTube can show its guides and let's play the game. The YouTube game is growing because some YouTubers get rich and make money from their videos. The more people who become members of YouTube, the popular YouTube becomes and more and more emerging as a new media source, along with video games and consoles. Chat rooms/online games/WiFi consoles are gaining the highest popularity increase as they are not only the most advanced, but because the latest video games are created that the majority of gaming communities want to buy, play and watch. Older video games and consoles are also gaining popularity, but from YouTube's ability to upload them to a player's channel for everyone to see. Older games are gaining popularity from the nostalgia community of the game (s), and old school graphics and gameplay that make people see how old school technology is the best at some point in time. Facebook helps video games and consoles gain popularity as well. People can upload videos they make to Facebook as well. Facebook is a much larger website with more users, so people use Facebook to spread their game content as well.
The new media industry shares an open association with many market segments in areas such as software/video game design, television, radio, cellular and especially film, advertising and marketing, where the industry seeks to profit from the benefits of two-way dialogue with consumers primarily through the Internet. As a tool to source ideas, concepts, and intellectual property from the general public, the television industry has been using new media and the Internet to expand their resources for new programming and content. The advertising industry also leverages the proliferation of new media with large agencies that run multimillion-dollar interactive advertising subsidiaries. Websites and interactive kiosks have become popular. In some cases, agencies have also formed new divisions to study new media. Public relations companies also take advantage of opportunities in new media through interactive PR practices. Interactive PR practices include the use of social media to reach the mass audience of online social network users.
With the advent of the Internet, many new career paths were created. Before rising, much of the technical work is considered a bookworm. The Internet leads to creative work that is seen as relaxed and diverse between gender, race, and sexual orientation. Web design, game design, webcasting, blogging, and animation are all creative career paths that come with this increase. At first glance, the field of new media may appear hip, cool, creative, and relaxed. What many people do not realize is that working in this field is tiring. Many people who work in this field do not have a steady job. Working in this field has become project-based. Individual project work for the project for different companies. Most people do not work on a single project or contract, but multiple projects at the same time. While working on many projects, people in this industry receive low payouts, which is in stark contrast to the stereotypes of technology millionaires. It may seem like a happy life from the outside, but it is not. New media workers work long hours to pay less and spend up to 20 hours a week looking for new projects.
The ideology of a new media career as an egalitarian and stress free environment is a myth. It is a network game and evolves according to your ability. Many workers face work instability. Inequality in this field exists because of the informality and flexibility of this career path.
In the Industry, many Companies have emerged or changed to adapt to the rapidly moving opportunities offered by new media. The following companies are good examples of the changing landscape of corporations/institutions that have been redeveloped, added or changed services to offer new media services.
- Brand New Media
- Creative Creative
- Seven West Media
Based on national representative data, research conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation in five-year intervals in 1998-99, 2003-04, and 2008-09 found that with technology that allows media access for nearly 24 hours, the amount of time young people spend on entertainment media has risen dramatically, especially among black and Hispanic youth. Today, children ages 8 to 18 spend an average of 7 hours and 38 minutes (7:38) to use entertainment media on a typical day (over 53 hours a week) - about the same amount spent by most people adult at work per day. Because much time is spent on 'multitasking media' (using more than one medium at a time), they can actually spend a total of 10 hours of media content and 45 minutes in 7 ½ hours per day. According to Pew Internet & amp; American Life Project, 96% of teenagers aged 18 to 29 years and three quarters (75%) of teenagers now have phones, 88% of them text, with 73% wired American adolescents using social networking websites, a significant increase from previous years. A survey of more than 25,000 children aged 9 to 16 from 25 European countries found that many minors use social media sites despite the age requirements of the site expressed, and many teenagers lack the digital skills to use social networking sites safely.
The development of new digital media demands a new educational model by parents and educators. The parent mediation is a way to manage children's experiences with the Internet, chats, videogames and social networks.
The latest trend on the internet is Youtuber Generasi. YouTubers are young people offering free videos on their personal channels on YouTube. There are videos in games, fashion, food, cinema, and music, where they offer tutorials or comments.
The role of mobile phones, such as the iPhone, has created an inability to be in social isolation, and the potential for damaging relationships. The iPhone activates the brain's insular cortex, which is associated with feelings of love. People show the same feelings on their phones like their friends, family, and loved ones. Many people spend more time on their phones, while in the presence of others than spending time with people in the same room or classroom.
Political campaigns in the United States
In trying to determine the impact of new media on political and electoral campaigns, existing research has tried to check whether new media replaces conventional media. Television is still the dominant source of news, but new media coverage is increasing. What is known is that the new media has a significant impact on elections and what started in the 2008 presidential campaign sets new standards for how the campaign will run. Since then, campaigns also have their outreach methods by developing messages targeted to specific audiences that can be reached via different social media platforms. Both parties have specific digital media strategies designed for voter outreach.
In addition, their websites are socially connected, involving voters before, during, and after the election. Emails and text messages are also regularly sent to supporters encouraging them to donate and engage. Some of the existing research focuses on the ways that political campaigns, parties, and candidates have incorporated new media into their political strategies. This is often a multi-faceted approach that combines old and new forms of media to create highly specialized strategies. This allows them to reach a wider audience, but also to target a very specific subset of voters. They can take advantage of polling data and in some cases make use of traffic and profile analyzes at various social media outlets to get real-time data about the type of engagement required and the type of message that works or does not work. An existing body of research on the impact of new media on elections investigates the relationship between voter use of new media and their level of political activity. They focus on areas such as "attention, knowledge, attitude, orientation, and engagement" (Owen, 2011). In reference to many studies, Owen (2011) suggests that older studies are mixed, while "more recent research reveals more consistent evidence of information acquisition".
Some studies show that there is a relationship between the number and level of voter involvement and the number of voters (Owen, 2011). However, the new media may not have a tremendous effect on both. Other research tends to lead to the idea that new media have strengthened the effect, which is not completely altered, by increasing involvement, "mimicking the pattern of established political participation" (Nam, 2012). After analyzing the Citizenship Democracy Involvement survey, Nam (2012) found that "the internet plays a dual role in mobilizing political participation by people who are not normally politically involved, as well as strengthening existing offline participation." These findings mapped the intersection between several studies that optimistically deployed new media to be highly effective or highly ineffective in encouraging political participation.
Towner (2013) found, in his survey of students, that attention to new media increases offline and online political participation especially for young people. His research shows that the prevalence of online media increases participation and involvement. His work shows that "it seems that online sources that facilitate political engagement, communication, and mobilization, especially campaign websites, social media, and blogs, are the most important for offline political participation among young people." Deliberation When measuring the effects and implications of new media on the political process, one way to do this is to look at the considerations that occur in this digital space (Halpern & Gibbs, 2013). In citing the work of some researchers, Halpern and Gibbs (2003) define deliberations to be "the performance of a set of communicative behaviors that promote a thorough discussion, and the idea that in this communication process the people involved carefully weigh the reasons and against some of the propositions presented by others ".
The work of Halpern and Gibbs (2013) "suggests that while social media may not provide a forum for intensive or deep policy debates, it still provides a deliberative space to discuss and encourage political participation, directly or indirectly." Their work goes a step above that as well, as it shows that some social media sites fosters a stronger political debate than others such as Facebook that includes very private and identifiable access to information about users in addition to any comments they can post on political topics. This is different from sites like YouTube whose comments are often posted anonymously.
Ethical Issues in New Media Research
Due to the popularity of new media, social media sites (SMW) such as Facebook and Twitter are becoming increasingly popular among researchers (Moreno, Goniu, Moreno, Diekema, 2013). Although SMW presents new opportunities, they also represent a challenge for researchers interested in studying online social phenomena, as it can be difficult to determine what are the acceptable risks for privacy unique to social media. Some scholars (eg, Moreno, Frost & Christakis, 2008) argue that standard Institutional Review Board (IRB) procedures provide little guidance on research protocols relating to social media in particular.
As a result, Moreno et al (2013) identifies three main approaches to research in social media and related concerns that academics must consider before engaging in social media research.
Observational Research
One of the main problems for observational research is whether a particular project is considered to involve human subjects. The human subject is a subject that is "defined by federal regulations as a living individual about who the investigator obtains data through interaction with personal information or personally identifiable information". Moreno et al (2013) notes that if access to social media sites is public, information is deemed identifiable but not personal, and information gathering procedures do not require researchers to interact with original posters of information, this does not meet the requirements for human subject research. Research may also be excluded if disclosure of participants' responses outside the published field of research does not subject the participants to civil or criminal liability, impairing the reputation, feasibility or financial reputation of the participants. Given these criteria, however, researchers still have considerable leniency when conducting observational studies in social media. Many profiles on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Twitter are public and researchers are free to use the data for observational research.
It should be noted, however, that users have the ability to change their privacy settings on most social media websites. Facebook, for example, gives users the ability to restrict who sees their posts through certain privacy settings. There is also a debate about whether it requires users to create sufficient usernames and passwords to determine whether the data is considered public or private. Historically, Institutional Review Boards regard the website as a personal site, although newer websites like YouTube call this practice a question. For example, YouTube requires only the creation of a username and password to post videos and/or view adult content, but anyone is free to view public YouTube videos and this public video will not be subject to approval requirements for researchers who wish to conduct observational studies.
Interactive Research
According to Romano et al (2013), interactive research occurs when "researchers want to access content [social media websites] that are not available to the public" (p. 710). Because researchers have a limited way of accessing this data, it could mean that a researcher sends a friend's Facebook request to a friend, or follows a user on Twitter to gain access to a potentially protected tweet (p.711). While it may be argued that such actions would violate the expectations of social media privacy users, Ellison, Steinfield and Lampe (2007) argue that actions such as "friends" or "following" an individual in social media are "loose bond" relationships and therefore insufficient to set reasonable privacy expectations because individuals often have friends or followers they have never met.
Survey/Interview Research
Because research in social media happens online, it is difficult for researchers to observe participants' reactions to the informed consent process. For example, when gathering information about potentially illegal activities, or recruiting participants from a highly stigmatized population, this lack of physical closeness has the potential to negatively impact the informed consent process. Another important consideration is the confidentiality of the information provided by the participants. Although the information provided via the internet may be considered a lower risk, studies that publish direct quotes from study participants may expose them to the risks identified through Google searches
See also
Further reading
- Poynter Institute: New Media Timeline (1969-2010) created by David B. Shedden, Director of the Library at Poynter Institute
- Wardrip-Fruin, Noah and Nick Montfort, ed. (2003). New Media Reader . The MIT Press. ISBN: 0-262-23227-8.
- Leah A. Lievrouw, Sonia Livingstone (ed.), New Media Handbook , SAGE, 2002
- Logan, Robert K. (2010) Understanding New Media: Expanding Marshall McLuhan, New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
- Croteau and Hoynes (2003) Media Society: Industry, Pictures and Audience (third edition) Pine Forge Press: A Thousand Oakes.
- Timothy Murray, Derrick de Kerckhove, Oliver Grau, Kristine Stiles, Jean-Baptiste BarriÃÆ'¨re, Dominique Moulon, Jean-Pierre Balpe, Open Art Maurice Benayoun, Nouvelles Ã…Æ' Â © ditions Scala, 2011, French Version, ISBN 978-2-35988-046-5
- Fly and Humphreys (2005) "Game: Technology, Industry, Culture" in Terry Flew, New Media: Introduction (second edition), Oxford University Press: South Melbourne.
- Holmes (2005) "Telecommunity" within Communication Theory: Media, Technology and Society , Cambridge: Polity.
- Scharl, A. and Tochtermann, K., Eds. (2007). The Geospatial WebÃ, - How Geobrowser, Social Software, and Web 2.0 Establish a Network Society. London: Springer.
- Turkle, Sherry (1996) "Who Are We?" Wired magazine, 4.01, published January 1996, [2]
- Andrade, Kara, Online media can grow a community , the Online News Association Convention, October 29, 2005.
- Mark Tribe and Reena Jana, New Media Arts , Taschen, 2006. ISBNÃ, 3-8228-3041-0.
- Robert C. Morgan, Commentary on New Media Art Pasadena, CA: Umbrella Associates, 1992
- Preface. Lev Manovich. New Media Language , Cambridge: MIT Press/Leonardo Books, 2001. ISBNÃ, 0-262-63255-1.
- Kennedy, Randy. "Giving New Life to Protests from Yore", The New York Times , July 28, 2007.
- Immersive Ideals/Critical Distances: Affinity Studies Between Artistic Ideology Based on Virtual Reality and Immersive Idioms Previously by Joseph Nechvatal 1999 Planetary Collegium
- Why New Media Is Not: Personal Trips by David Shedden (2007)
- Norberto GonzÃÆ'¡lez Gaitano (2016): Family and media. Family relations, their rappresentation in mass media and virtual relationships
Source of the article : Wikipedia