A Let's Play (usually referred to as LP ) is a video series style (or screenshot accompanied by text) that documents video game games, usually including comments by gamers. A Let's Play is different from video game guides or strategy guides by focusing on individual subjective experiences with games, often with funny, offensive, or critical comments from players, rather than being an objective source of information on how to make progress through the game. While Let's Plays and live streaming of related game play, Let's Plays tend to curate experiences that include editing and scripted narratives, while streaming is an unedited experience done quickly.
Video Let's Play
From the beginning of computer video entertainment, video game players with access to screen capture software, video recording devices, and screen recording software have recorded themselves playing through the game, often as part of search, plenary, speedruns, or other forms of entertainment. For example, the Japanese GameCenter CX game has challenged the host to complete retro games in one day, and others like Skip Rodgers have provided VHS tapes that explain to players how to solve difficult games. One such form is the addition of a running comment, usually funny, along with a screenshot or video; video-based playthrough will usually be presented without significant editing to maintain the player's raw response to the game. Presenters will also often poll readers or viewers for decisions in certain games to provide an element of interactivity for older games. Although others have used the same approach at the time, the forum on the Something Awful website is credited with coming up with the term "Let's Play" in 2007 to describe the game. The exact origins of the term are unclear, but it is believed to refer to a screenshot of The Oregon Trail via the Something Awful forum in 2005; playthrough can no longer be found on the site even though it has been referenced by other forum threads.
Let's Plays format is credited to the forum user Something Awful Michael Sawyer with his username alias "slowbeef". Sawyer stated that the format he adopted came from previous games by users of the "Vlaphor" forum for I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream. Adaptation Sawyer will be the format that will be used by Something Awful users. Sawyer is also credited for creating the first video played for the Immortal game he created next to his screenshot. From there, the format is popular with other forum users and many Let's Plays are created; forums form the process of making this and the development of a large archive of Let's Plays. With the advent of user-generated video streaming websites like YouTube or Twitch, more users have been able to prepare and share the videos, making the Let's Play format very popular, spreading outside the Something Awful forum. Maps Let's Play
The exact format for contemporary Let's Play videos is unclear, and can sometimes be compared or considered the same as a player who completes the game through streaming video to an audience. According to Patrick Lee of The A.V. Club , a great Let's Play video distinguishes itself from live streaming when players have familiarized themselves with the game to be able to offer better commentary and show off more games to their audience, can provide viewers with personalized memories about the game, or can play through games they have solved under self-imposed challenges, such as completing the game without killing the enemy. Through this approach, Lee stated, such a Let's Play video serves to help perpetuate these games, helping those who may not have access to the title (due to age or regional restrictions) to appreciate a more vague game.
Some of the more popular gamers who make this video have become Internet celebrities and are seen as "professional fans", according to Dar Nothaft of Maker Studios; other gamers tune into this video to gain a different perspective on the game rather than professional review sources. Felix Kjellberg, known for his online grip PewDiePie, has monetized his Let's Play video of over 40 million subscribers and over 10 billion views in September 2015. The PewDiePie effect on game sales is huge, and the games shown in Ayo Plays on his channel often see a big increase in sales, creating so-called "PewDiePie effect". Some other people or groups including Achievers, The Yogscast, Smosh Games, Markiplier, Game Grumps, Stampylonghead, and Machinima.com.
Such Mari games are monetized by advertising revenue from video hosting sites. For example, standard Google affiliate programs pay about 55% of the price advertisers pay to content providers, while Google retains the rest; thus, revenue from the Let's Play channel is based on the number of viewers they get. Providers may also join various content networks such as Maker Studios, which offer promotions and advertising for content providers in exchange for a share of advertising revenue. PewDiePie's monthly income from its Let's Plays is estimated at between $ 140,000 and $ 1.4 million, while smaller channels can still be between $ 500 and $ 1000 per month; The Wall Street Journal reported that PewDiePie earned more than $ 4 million in 2013, while Forbes ranked her highest YouTube personality in 2015, earning more than $ 12 million a year before tax. Some Players Let these individuals, as they are called, have turned this into a full-time career while learning skills such as communication and video editing can be used for future work. More popular broadcasters often share a portion of their income for charity, or charity travel as they play through games for live viewers. Pewdiepie's contributions in this field make it listed as one of the thirty most influential people on the Internet in the March 2015 list, and as one of the 100 top influential people overall in the April 2016 list, both compiled by Time magazine. Business Insider reports that eleven of the top twenty-two independent YouTube publishers, by November 2014 are those who produce Let's Play videos. The October 2017 report from SuperData Researches estimates that between Let's Play video and live streaming content of video game content, there are more people watching the video than all HBO, Netflix, ESPN and Hulu subscribers, with over 517 million YouTube users and 185 million users Twitch.tv.
Let's Play video has been considered a profitable way to market game titles, especially for smaller developers. In one case for Thomas Was Alone , Mike Bithell, the developer, attributed the game's success to commentators and critics Let's Play video by game, John Bain, also known as TotalBiscuit. Similarly, Davey Wreden, developer of The Stanley Parable develops relationships with various channels of Let's Play prior to release to ensure they can play and record their games; his team further created a special demo for two popular channels (Rev3Games and Steam Train ) that jokingly teased certain players. Wreden believes this helps lead more than 100,000 full game sales in the first three days of release. Some developers have designed their games to be profitable for Let's Play video. The Octodad developers: Dadliest Catch aims to make the game covered by a Let's Play video with "creating lots of space where there are many different options for a player to create their own comedy." and put their own personality into it ".
The popularity of Let's Play and similar video comments have also led to changes in how some video games have been developed. Let's Play's approach prefers a unique and idiosyncratic game that attracts viewers, making some developers aim for this quality in their game. It also helps for games in early access or beta release cycles since developers of such games can use this video for feedback to improve their game before the full release. Video Lets Play can also bring more attention to the niche titles than the traditional game press. The developers behind the Battlegrounds PlayerUnknown and Hello Neighbor , rather than trying to attract the attention of major Let's Play makers like PewDiePie, instead used the approach to earn interest from some mid-level creators for helped by drawing attention to their game during their initial access period, with considerable success. Some games like Goat Simulator
Horror survival games, such as Five Nights at Freddy's and its sequel, which focus more on immersion than skills, are thought to be tailor-made to utilize Let's Play video and other live-streaming playbacks, such as the Game Design aimed to surprise users streaming, giving funny reactions such as jump spikes that are a source of entertainment for viewers. It also provides a way for people who normally do not play such games because of the inconvenience of being scared by the game to find fun in watching other people's reaction while playing it. Developers from both Amnesia: The Dark Descent and Outlast stated that the Let's Plays of their game helped to make them successful considering that in this case they did not have a large promotional budget.
At least in one case, the popularity of the games featured in Let's Plays has pushed further sales after the typical game period has ended. In 2014, Electronic Arts chose to print more copies of the 2010 title Skate 3 after its appearance on PewDiePie and other Let's Play channels have kept game sales high, keeping it in the top 40 for game sales new in the United Kingdom and with sales 2014 to 33% higher than 2013 sales.
Let's Plays can also be seen to damage the distribution of games especially for short, linear, and narrative-oriented games, as viewers can watch the entire game from a Let's Play record without purchasing it and have no incentive to purchase titles. For the Dragons game, Cancer, the developer, Ryan Green, notes that while there's a Let's Plays of the game, some are emotionally commenting on game topics, some of these games are played only through games. without adding comments, and not providing links to where players can learn more about titles. Green and his team at Numinous Games have used ContentID YouTube to have some of these videos removed, the results that bring about some complaints and Green's later recognition is not the right approach to solve this problem. Green asks with games like The dragon, Cancer , that those who make Let's Play use game play to start a conversation with their viewers, and that viewers can show their appreciation for the game by tipping the developers in lieu of purchasing titles complete.
The phenomenon of Let's Plays is the focal point for episode South Park "#REHASH". Double Fine Productions and 2 Player Productions have worked together to create a series called "Devs Play", inspired by Let's Plays where game developers play through games and offer their comments from a developer's perspective, usually with one of the developers of the selected game.

Legal issues
Copyright â ⬠<â â¬
The copyright of the video "Let's Play" remains questionable; while game developers and/or publishers usually own the copyright and are granted exclusive distribution rights to game media assets, others cite fair use claims for this work because of their nature is to comment on video games. The important difference to Let's Play to qualify as a fair use will be their transformative nature; the more creators or streamers Let's Play adds as a comment on the gameplay, the more likely it will be ruled as fair use. However, copyright laws support game developers or publishers; if challenged, the creators of Let's Play should argue in court for a fair use defense, which can be expensive to pursue, and to date, no known case of Plays Mari is challenged in the legal system, keeping their legal nature in question. Sites hosting Games made by Users, Let's Plays tend to support copyright holders to maintain their safe harbor status as part of the protection of their obligations under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA); for example, YouTube uses a manual and automated system to detect copyright infringement and issue a copyright strike to offend the channel.
In one case, Nintendo claimed that they retained copyright and had registered the content through the YouTube Content ID system in such a way that they could generate advertising revenue from a user's video, even though Nintendo would then back away from the claim, and then create its own affiliate program, the Nintendo program Creators, among themselves, Google, and proactive uploaders to share profits. The smaller developers have been more open to allow the video of Let's Play. Ubisoft has stated that this allows its games to be used in the Let's Play video and allows them to make money from any ad revenue as long as they stay within certain content conformity guidelines. Microsoft Studio also creates a set of Game Content Usage Rules that define certain terms and restrictions on those who use their software for video play.
In early December 2013, changes in YouTube's ContentID policy resulted in many Let's Play and other blocked video game related material blocked. In response, many developers and publishers are releasing statements and working with YouTube to make sure the video is not intended to be blocked, helping those who are affected videos, and encouraging users to continue to show this; these companies include Blizzard, Ubisoft, Capcom, Paradox Interactive, and Valve. YouTube then clarifies that changes in the ContentID system that caused the video to be flagged are likely to be the result of new tools available for multi-channel networks, which may include separate video and audio rights. At least two known multi-channel music networks, TuneCore and INDmusic, which represent many composers and video game artists, have automatically enabled copyright protection for all of their clients without seeking input from them, and therefore, many of Let's Play video and video the game developer's own promotions are blocked because of this action. YouTube said they did not plan to change this system despite complaints from original music composers. The Twitch streaming website implements the same copyright control approach that will disable recording flow for up to half an hour blocks if copyrighted music was discovered in August 2014, found to have the same problem as the blocking of Let's Plays using original game music. This encourages Twitch to change methods to reduce false positives and provide a way for users to challenge such claims.
Some games that have used licensed music, such as Jungle Concrete and Quantum Break , have provided game options that disable licensed music playback or replace this music with copyright-free music, making games "streaming-safe" so as not to be marked as a copyright infringement. In other cases, music licensing sites are now considering the impact of Let's Plays on the video game marketing cycle, and offer broader license options for their music that includes their legal use in Let's Play for that game, and the assurance that each Let's Plays is flagged with ContentID infringement will be fixed. While this can be overcome, the time it takes to clear ContentID claims can be costly for the Let Play broadcasters because they lose their video ads while offline while losing impact for developers and game publishers. Pinokl Games and tinyBuild, developers and publishers, respectively, from Promotions and disclosures
Another legal issue related to Let's Play is disclosure. The more popular YouTube channels will sometimes receive free promotional copies from developers and publishers prior to release to promote titles. According to the US Federal Trade Commission, players who review or make comments for such games should disclose the game if they then earn money from the review to remain in ethical business practice. In one particular scenario, John Bain, who had previously argued for a clear disclosure of paid reviews, has revealed that he and several others were approached by Plaid Social, a marketing outlet for Warner Bros.. Entertainment and offer upcoming promotional copies of Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor instead of fulfilling a very specific task in their presentation. Bain rejected this requirement, but other commentators have taken the deal without expressing an agreement, raising the issue of how much of this work is done through a paid review. If an advertiser or marketer offers someone to write a favorable review, it should be expressed in a visible place. According to Mary Engle, associate director for Advertising Practices at the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), "disclosure is basically unavoidable for viewers." Perhaps the most important line to notice If viewers do not automatically see or hear the disclosure without having to go hunting for it , it is not a legal revelation ". In the above-mentioned situation with Plaid Social and Warner Bros., the FTC issues a fine against both companies, manifested by Warner Bros. in July 2016 and agree to a new rule that will fix it in the future if the sponsored video is not disclosed. A similar situation emerged as a result of leather gambling issues that emerged in mid-2016, with the FTC progressively improving its guidance regarding promotional advertising on social media in September 2017.
Other issues
In some cases, developers or publishers have used the DMCA to remove Let's Plays and other very important videos in the game, using the copyright provisions in the DMCA to exclude freedom of speech or fair use aspects permitted by law. The recorded case is Digital Homicide Studios against game critic Jim Sterling. Sterling has posted the Let's Play of Digital Homicide's The Slaughtering Grounds (2014) which notes the many flaws in the game and calls it the worst game of 2014. Digital Murder uses DMCA requests to remove Sterling videos; Sterling was able to file back charges to recover the video. The action caused James Romine Digital Murder to file a $ 15 million defamation suit against Sterling and 100 Steam users who left negative reviews about the game. The cases were eventually dismissed or withdrawn.
DMCA claims have also been threatened or used to remove the Let's Plays of games owned by companies that disagree with the ideals or morale of the person who created the video. In September 2017, Kjellberg accidentally catapulted racist insults while streaming live games to viewers, then apologized for this; this followed an earlier incident where the behavior on the Kjellberg screen has been criticized. The founder of Campo Santo, Sean Vanaman, was let down by this, and issued a DMCA notice to cancel Kjellberg's Let's Play from their game Firewatch , stating that their game displayed on his YouTube channel is equivalent to supporting his ideology; YouTube fulfilled this request a few days later. Vanaman then clarified that his aim was not to censor Kjellberg, but that there was a "fit" between Kjellberg's view and Campo Santo's view and would prefer that Kjellberg not cover his game. Lawyers and lawyers speak to both Kotaku and The Verge and PC Gamer believing content owners such as Campo Santo have full control to issue DMCA removal at under the law, but whether this abolition is applicable under the protection of fair use in copyright law is unclear, as up to now there is no case law to challenge the legality of Let's Plays and other video game video searches or challenges for DMCA removal for this type of content. Kjellberg does not plan to counter the DMCA claims but points out that the use of DMCAs to remove videos because of issues other than copyright related has the potential for abuse by game developers and publishers and affects the current balance of Let's Plays value in game promotion and marketing.
Sony Computer Entertainment of America tries to trade the term "Let's Play" as it is applied to streaming and broadcasting video games by the end of 2015, but the request was previously rejected by the United States Patent and Trademark Office by stating an existing trademark. MacArthur Law Firm, a company specializing in video game law issues, filed an official petition to the Patent and Trademark Office, arguing that the denial should be based on the claim that "Let's Play" has become a common trademark and any further attempts to trademarked terms must be rejected. The Patent and Trademark Office agrees, stating that the term "Let's Play" is now too general to be a trademark.

See also
- Game demo
- Game repetition
- Longplay
- Speedrun
- Live video game stream
- Video game guide


External links
- The Mari Play Archive
Source of the article : Wikipedia