Super Science Friends is an animated series created by Brett Jubinville and broadcasted worldwide on YouTube and on the Hangover VRV Cartoon Channel in the United States. The series is about a group of super-powerful scientists, including Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Marie Curie, Charles Darwin, Sigmund Freud and Tapputi, brought together by Winston Churchill to travel through time against super villains. Episode 1 episode: The Phantom Premise succeeds Kickstarted at the end of 2014, and aired on YouTube in 2016. In 2017, Neil deGrasse Tyson joins the cast for Episode 3: Nobel of the Ball as MC of the Nobel Prize Awards.
As a Kickstarter prize, a comic book called Super Science Friends: 2099 was created in 2015. It is set in 2099 and follows Ada Lovelace as he reforms an increasingly aging Science Friends to help fight the tyranny Z3 who has taken over the world.
Video Super Science Friends
Maps Super Science Friends
External links
- Super Science Friends on YouTube
- Super Science Friends at IMDb
Source of the article : Wikipedia