The Dominion War is a long plot concept developed in some Star Trek storyline: Deep Space Nine , the American science fiction television series produced by Paramount Pictures. In the fictional Star Trek universe, the Dominion War is a conflict between the Dominion forces, the Union Cardassian and, later, the Breen Confederacy against the Alpha Quadrant alliance of the United Federation of Planets, the Klingon Empire and, later, the Roman Star Empire.
The main setting of most of the series is above the Starfleet-controlled space station, Deep Space Nine, located adjacent to the mouth of a stable wormhole near the planet Bajor. In this series, the space station is moved so that it is located near the wormhole that provides an instantaneous trip to the Gamma Quadrant, an area on the other side of the galaxy. During the second season of Deep Space Nine, Dominion was introduced. During the two- and three-year seasons, more information about Dominion was introduced, until the conflict increased in the fourth season, especially in the episodes "Homefront" and "Paradise Lost". The Dominion War arcs presents themes that challenge character values ââin ways not tried in the previous Star Trek series, and have received various critical responses. Developing the Dominion War plot also changed how the series was written, shifting the emphasis from an episodic to a serial narrative format.
Video Dominion War
In "Emissary", the pilot episode, United Federation of Planets sent Commander Benjamin Sisko to take over command of the space station Deep Space Nine. During the episode, it is known that the station is located near a stable wormhole located in the Alpha Quadrant, which leads to the Milky Way Galaxy Gamma Quadrant, nearly 70,000 light-years away. Deep Space Nine is moved from the orbit of the Bajor planet to the Alpha Quadrant terminal of the wormhole to claim. Starships start entering the wormhole to explore, colonize and trade. The crew did not realize that they were entering the territory of space controlled by Dominion, the unity of planets commanded by force and intimidation.
Bartender Ferengi Deep Space Nine, Quark, made contact with Vorta, a Dominion member race. However, he and Sisko were arrested by Jem'Hadar, the Dominion warriors. The Alpha Quadrant group was rescued, but the Federation ship of the USS
The Founders started a sabotage and terror campaign against Alpha Quadrant, which made many governments afraid of intruders, who could take on any physical form. When Earth was attacked, a group of Starfleet officers illegally tried to impose martial law at the heart of the Federation. The Klingon Empire attacked Cardassia with the false assumption that Dominion influenced his government. Later, the Federation suspects Chancellor of Chancellor, Gowron, of being a shapeshifter. This turned out to be a tactic by Dominion so the Federation would kill Gowron and further intensify the rift between the Federation and Klingon due to Klingon's invasion of Cardassia. During the assassination attempt, the Federation realized that Klingon General Martok was the real shapeshifter. It turns out to be Martok, Dr. Julian Bashir, and others have been taken prisoner in a prison camp in Gamma Quadrant while shapeshifers are taking place at Alpha Quadrant. Shortly before their flight Dominion succeeded in pushing the Cardasia to enter the alliance during the confusion, establishing his presence in Alpha Quadrant. Recognizing the danger, the Federation and Klingon join forces to slow down Dominion's buildup, working together to plant a minefield across the entrance to the Bajoran Reservoir because the rescued Martok is assigned to Klingon's permanent commander in Deep Space Nine.
Nevertheless, Dominion began to advance, and seized control of the Deep Space Nine. After a brief retreat, Sisko made it back to the space station, but the wider conflict continued. More setbacks hamper the Alpha Quadrant alliance as additional races, like Breen, offer their support to Dominion. Questionable tactics were adopted in the search for victory, including the spread of the engineering virus among the founders by the shadow Federation group called Section 31. The deceptive ruse involving murder was used to ask Romulan's help against Dominion, and discontent led Cardassian leader Damar Legate to launch a successful resistance movement against his former Dominion colleagues. Eventually, Dominion was forced to return to Planassia Prime planet where he was cut off from reinforcements. The female shapeshifter in command tells Odo that they will fight to the very end to prevent a counterattack by the alliance into the Gamma Quadrant. Odo assured him that the Federation would not do that while the other party was too weak. After linking together, Odo heals the female form of the biological disease that happened to him and the other Founders with the antidote he received and Dominion agreed to surrender.
Maps Dominion War
In 2002, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine producer Ira Steven Behr stated that unlike some plots, derived from one small idea, the creation of Dominion villains and story bows is "deeply thought." Behr says that the earliest mention of Dominion was deliberately planted in Season Two Ferengi's episode, "Rules of Acquisition", to leave the audience with the impression "how important is that?" It was decided that the Gamma Quadrant would need an atmosphere that would distinguish it from the Alpha Quadrant. Producers want to describe this region as something other than "uncharted space", and avoid imitating the Star Trek adventure: The Next Generation with a series of other plots that focus primarily on exploration themes. After 18 months of expedition, the producers decided to characterize The Dominion as "anti-Federation". Writer and script editor Robert Hewitt Wolfe has explained that this step also distinguishes Deep Space Nine from its successor series Star Trek: Voyager, starring in a lost Federation ship across the chaos and dividing the Delta Quadrant from the Milky Way.
Instead of introducing an alien race, three are introduced simultaneously: Changelings, Vorta and Jem'Hadar. All three are meant to represent the front of an ancient civilization united by fear, to contrast with the unity of the Federation activated by the bond of friendship. Behr, Wolfe, writers Peter Allan Fields and Jim Crocker attend a meeting to develop the concept of this species and find common inspiration in Isaac Asimov's Trilogy novel Isaac Asimov. Executive producer Michael Piller suggested the idea that the Dominion Founders were the races that belonged to Odo, near the end of Season Two's production, and found that Behr and Wolfe had also discussed this possibility. This character has been introduced without knowledge of its true origins. Piller insists the effort to create a new villain is one of the most difficult tasks he does in his work on Star Trek. Wolfe sensed the similarities between the fictional Founder and the Roman Empire, that species first used diplomacy, deception, and cultural imperialism to achieve their goals before resorting to coercion.
According to author Ronald D. Moore, co-creator Rick Berman originally intended the Dominion War to be the focus of three or four episodes, but Behr intends to expand the plotline over the years. Moore has stated that Berman sometimes questioned writing staff about the level of violence included in several episodes. Berman also expressed concern about depictions of long-term consequences for main characters, such as the loss of the character's legs in Season Seven. The authors argue in favor of increased violence, asserting that it is justified given the storyline detailing the development of the Dominion War. Piller supports the idea that the impact of the previous episode must continue to be felt, and that the character must "learn that action has consequences", even if the consequence leads to Piller initially not imagining when Deep Space Nine remains in the conceptual stage. Moore has stated that Star Trek: Voyager took more time Berman and Piller than the third season's Deep Space Nine, allowing Behr to defend his creative decisions further. successful. After the completion of Star Trek: The Next Generation , the author's staff can dedicate more time to working on scripts for Deep Space Nine . The authors admire the scripting technique used for Star Trek: The Original Series: Moore cites the 1967 episode "Errand of Mercy" as a powerful influence on his treatment of the Dominion War.

The Dominion War plot is presented in a series of short story arcs that span Season Two to Seven from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and are linked editorial by the decisions of the producers and writers.
Season Two: Introducing Dominion
After a conceptual meeting, the authors began introducing figures into Dominion into Season Two episodes. The goal is to gradually raise audience awareness that there is a big government and seep behind the seemingly harmless incident in Gamma Quadrant. Dominion and his methods are revealed in three episodes this season.
The "Acquisition Rule" marks the first mention of Dominion, when the character of Ferengi Quark hears the whisper of a strong civilization unity in the Gamma Quadrant with which he can trade. A seemingly insignificant dialogue within the framework of a mild episode is planned to eventually create a major change in the dynamics of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
When the Alpha Quadrant race begins to colonize the planets in the Gamma Quadrant and their presence becomes known, disturbing reports show that what can not be achieved by Dominion through forcible trading is seized. These reports are justified in the "Sanctuary", when a large fleet of Skrreea ships appeared in Alpha Quadrant, searching for a new homeworld in light of the conquest of their native planet by the Dominion forces. Dominion's actions are contrasted with the reactions of ordinary characters to the Skrreea refugees. Executive producer Michael Piller stated that the plot raises a real-world debate surrounding Proposition 187, a California law on the rights of illegal aliens.
The peak of Season Two, "The Jem'Hadar", allowed writer Robert Hewitt Wolfe to shock the audience and challenge their opinions on the security of the Federation and Starfleet, when the USS Odyssey , a > Galaxy stars similar to the USS Enterprise from Star Trek: The Next Generation , are hunted and destroyed. Dominion was reduced to a cruel empire, using the "carrot and stick" method of controlling others, with three distinct races playing an important role. The Dominion's Jem'Hadar shock troops captured the Commander of Sisko, Quark, and the alien named Eris, who was later identified as a double agent and one of Vorta, the negotiator and administrator of Dominion. Jem'Hadar sends Jem'Hadar representatives to the Deep Space Nine with the message that no further disturbance to the Dominion room will be tolerated and submit Major Kira Nerys lists of colonies and ships that have been eliminated due to unauthorized entry. The federation sent a rescue team that returned Sisko's group to the station, but, while retreating back to Alpha Quadrant, a Jem'Hadar ship launched a kamikaze run against the Odyssey, resulting in the destruction of both. ship.
Season Three: Introducing Founder
With the third season, Ronald D. Moore and the others begin writing regularly for Star Trek: Deep Space Nine after the completion of Star Trek: The Next Generation . Robert Hewitt Wolfe joined Ira Steven Behr in a scripting episode of developing the Dominion plotline, beginning with "The Search". Behr became a full-time executive producer at the midpoint of the season, after the departure of Michael Piller.
In the two-part season opener, "Searching", Commander Sisko returns from Starfleet Headquarters on Earth with a prototype spacecraft Rebels , USS Rebels . Executive producer Rick Berman should be reassured that the introduction of Rebels will not distract the viewers of the major spaceships from the latest Star Trek production
Dominion Season Three's story explores the relationship between Odo and his people, and their contradictory attitude toward a "solid" life form. The Challenge enters the Gamma Quadrant on a peace mission to find the Founder in the "Search", and found that the Founder of the same race with Odo. Despite the burning desire to return home, he discovers his people's philosophy - what you can control will not hurt you - disgusting, and he asks to return to the Alpha Quadrant. The Founders, led by a character identified only as "Women's Substitution", approve of Odo's request in the hope that he will eventually rejoin them.
The other side for Dominion is evaluated more closely in Season Three - Jem'Hadar. In "The Abandoned", Jem'Hadar teenagers found alone and matured under the guidance of Odo. The Deep Space Nine crew witnessed Jem'Hadar's difficulties in adapting to society with different rules from its original culture. Avery Brooks, directing this episode, has emphasized the story as a metaphor for African-American teenagers in the 20th century and their struggle with addiction and violence, their integration into American society, and how their parenting can contribute to these problems. Brooks ensures that Odo continues to support the matured Jem'Hadar despite alien decline with Dominion's custom, as a commentary on how modern society should engage with young people.
"Improbable Cause" embarked on a two-part adventure on the founder's homeworld quest, ending with "The Die is Cast". Following the first contact with the Founders, the Obsidian Order - a secret intelligence force - allied with Tal Shiar, their Romulan counterpart, and launched a pre-emptive, covert attack to destroy the Founder's homeworld, hoping that the Founders and the rest of the Dominion would collapse. Dominion managed to lure Tal Shiar's fleet and Obsidian Order into the trap, eliminating both organizations. The plot builds an atmosphere of suspicion among the power of Quadrant Alpha, which is initiated by the ability of shapeshifters to assume another identity, which forms the basis of the plot for Season Four.
Final Season Three turned out to differ significantly from the conceptual vision of the production staff. Paramount does not like the end-of-season cliffhanger idea that will reveal the presence of shapeshifter on Earth. To continue the paranoia theme of shapeshifter and Dominion, "The Adversary" is not scripted to organize a Founder hunt aboard the Rebels, incorporating some narrative elements originally intended to start Season Four, while offering more plots complete and use the existing set to reduce production costs.
Season Four: Infiltration and political destabilization of Population
Rick Berman, Robert Hewitt Wolfe, and Ira Steven Behr were originally expected to open the Four Seasons with a two-part adventure, postponed from the end of Season Three, which eventually became "Homefront" and "Paradise Lost". Paramount determines that the authors need to make a much different opening to satisfy the audience but without giving specific instructions. The production staff decided to start a story line based on suspicions between the Federation and Klingon, which eventually led to a dispute between former allies, inspired by a line from the Three Seasons episode "The Die is Cast". With Klingon set to reappear, Berman suggested the return of the character from Star Trek: The Next Generation - Klingon Worf - as a permanent officer in the Deep Space Nine. While new plots and characters offer exciting possibilities, the producers feel that their vision for Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is halted for almost a year.
Season Four begins with "The Way of the Warrior", which marks the arrival of Worf. This episode is one of several in this season to explore the theme of suspicion and paranoia and its effects on society and relationships, building up to "Homefront" and "Paradise Lost". After the "The Die is Cast" event, the fear of the identity of the infiltrator destroyers caused Klingon to suspect Dominion's involvement in the new Cardassian civilian government. Their refusal to decide the invasion, even after Dominion's involvement has been denied, resulted in military confrontations and diplomatic solutions, and Klingon seized the Deep Space Nine. This seems to be further the purpose of the Founders of the destruction of the Alpha Quadrant as a prelude to their own invasion.
In the "Hippocratic Oath", Dr Bashir's characters and Head O'Brien's debate heal a group of Jem'Hadar soldiers from addiction in the hope that they will rebel against Dominion. There is discussion about the identity of the true enemy, the boundaries of the task, and whether the army is responsible for the actions of their leaders. "To the Death" further investigates the themes of soldier's duty and loyalty, and that is contrary to the conflicting disciplinary rules that govern the Starfleet officers and Jem'Hadar forces. In addition, this episode introduces the representative of Vorta Weyoun, who will be the most prominent Vorta in the rest of the series.
In the "Homefront", the mistrust generated by the shapeshifter continues, with Captain Sisko suspecting his own father and recommending a state of emergency declared on Earth. In "Paradise Lost", some Starfleet officers went further and tried to impose a coup d'Ã, à © tat against the President of the Federation after it was revealed that the shape-changer had infiltrated Earth and carried out a terrorist attack. This leads to armed conflicts between Starfleet vessels for the first time in a century, according to the in-universe line of Star Trek . Sisko was able to force Admiral Leyton to abandon his attempts to impose martial law by telling him: "You fought a wrong war!" Behr's favorite line of this episode is "Heaven never looks so well armed", highlighting one of the many occasions when the Deep Space Nine will point out practical issues surrounding maintaining a culture of peace from the Federation and moral choice or not morally created to achieve these ideals.
Season Five: build an all-out war
In the fifth season, the Dominion invasion of Alpha Quadrant collects speed, appearing in episodes like "Apocalypse Rising", "In Purgatory's Shadow", "By Inferno's Light", and "Blaze of Glory". Robert Hewitt Wolfe and Ira Steven Behr are again responsible for the episode of the Five Major Season on Dominion.
At the opening of Season Five, "Apocalypse Rising", Odo discovered that his race was able to deceive their own kind, as well as "solids", when he was led to believe that Klingon Chancellor Gowron was a Changeling, not a General, Martok.. The plot is planned to shift the focus of the Star Trek episode: Deep Space Nine back to the struggle with Dominion, who has been postponed in previous production discussions with Paramount in favor of bringing Worf and Klingon-based plotline into the series.
In "In Purgatory's Shadow", it was found that Dr. Bashir has been kidnapped, jailed for weeks, and, temporarily, replaced by Changeling. The shapeshifter doubled the sabotage attempt to close the Wormhole and attempt to destroy the Bajoran sun, leaving an open path for the Dominion fleet to enter the Alpha Quadrant. In the following episode, "With Inferno Light", the Kardassi became members of the Dominion, and the Federation and the Klingon Empire decided to get rid of their mutual distrust and unite against common threats. A garrison of Klingon troops stationed at Deep Space Nine, under the command of the real Martok General, was rescued from Dominion's detention with Bashir. In "Blaze of Glory" characters face ethnic cleansing problems when Maquis - a former Federation resistance group now living in the Cardassian chamber - was hunted down and sought help from Sisko, who used to criticize their methods.
The Season Five finale, "Call to Arms", sets the scene for the start of a full-scale war between Dominion and Federation during the last two seasons of Deep Space Nine. When Dominion began to ship through Wormhole, Alpha Quadrant's allies built a minefield in his mouth to cut off the supply line. The plot considers whether it is better for the Bajor planet to stand with their Federation friends or stay neutral in the coming wars to protect themselves. Sisko assures them that neutrality is a profitable path.
Season Six: war raging
Season Six, mapping the turmoil of the Dominion War, faces themes of moral dilemmas of conflict. New plot elements allowed Star Trek: Deep Space Nine to check themes in a way unlike Star Trek, since characters were forced to reevaluate their beliefs. The production staff decided to start the season with a six-episode bow, which was first tested in Star Trek's franchise history.
Rick Berman originally imagined that the Dominion War would take place for a number of episodes before a quick resolution. Plotting the bow, Ira Steven Behr, Ronald D. Moore, and the authors compiled a chain longer than the first five, then six connected episodes, extending from "A Time to Stand" to "Sacrifice of Angels", as the theme of raising demands for bigger. narrative development. No writer has previously contributed to a series involving such an arc, and Moore, Behr, and a budding scripting partner & amp; Advisors producer Hans Beimler have all stated that the writing process changed as a result, with more collaboration of production and interaction than the early seasons of Deep Space Nine. The potential of serialization felt by Rick Berman from the beginning of Deep Space Nine began to bear fruit as a result of the many story lines that accumulated to form the Dominion War.
The return of Gul Dukat as commander of the Dominion-dominated Deep Space Nine allows writers to contrast the audience's imagination station with its incarnation as a former Cardassian mining facility. The former resistance fighter Major Kira is pictured recalling his code of ethics as he sets out on the road to collaborate on "Rocks and Shoals", but the suicide of a Bajoran monk reminds him of the reality of the situation. Through "Rocks and Shoals", Deep Space Nine also revisited themes of war behavior when Sisko regarded the ambitious morale of soldiers who had been abandoned by superiors, only for events to force his hands. In "A Time to Stand" and "Behind the Lines", Odo's character is split between the trust given to him by Kira and Bajorans, and his status as Founder, when he joins the Dominion Deep Space Nine board and then neglects to help his colleagues on critical moment.
Fortune was reversed again in Season Six when Starfleet again captured the Deep Space Nine in the opening episode of the opening arc, "Favor the Bold" and "Sacrifice of Angels". The USS Rebels stand alone in an attempt to hold thousands of Dominion ships entering through Wormhole. The intervention of the Wormhole Prophet, considered a god by the Bajorans, led the characters to ponder the questions of faith and destiny. Author Hans Beimler wants to include a mythological allusion, stating, "These are tragic heroes, a hero [Sisko] taking things for others, but not always finding peace in the results." Ira Steven Behr compared Sisko to the biblical figure Moses, who failed to reach the Promised Land, and Ethan Edwards's character from the 1956 Western Searchers movie, who failed to return to his family after the task was completed. It has been determined that this aspect for the character of Sisko justifies the use of divine intervention to resolve Dominion's threat: the fleet disappears and the Federation regains control of Deep Space Nine. The loss caused Dukat to lose his mental health, the life of his daughter, Tora Ziyal, and his status as Cardassian leader. Dukat is the first, but not the only, character in Season Six to face the pain of losing in conflict. Then, in the sixth season of "Tears of the Prophets", Worf lost his wife Jadzia Dax when she was killed by Dukat.
Although the theme of death is evident in the previous season's "Deep Space Nine", "Far Beyond the Stars" explains how Sisko overcame a friend's loss on a deeper psychological level. Experiencing his vision of facing racial discrimination against Black Americans in the 1950s, Sisko interpreted a useful parallel that connected his life to the Deep Space Nine. Sisko's response to the death toll from the Dominion War is checked again in "In Pale Moonlight".
In addition, Season Six introduces Section 31, a secret organization dedicated to preserving the principles of the Federation irrespective of the cost and legitimacy of its methods. In the "Inquisition", the character of Dr. Bashir refuses to join Section 31 and reports on his actions, but still contemplates the meaning: "But what is said about us? That we are no different from our enemies? That is when the impulse comes to push, we are willing to abandon the principle - our principle to survive? "Sisko replied," I hope I have an answer for you. "
"In Pale Moonlight" considers the same moral dilemma as Dominion captures the important Federation planet, Betazed, in a surprise attack. The conquest of the planet that is familiar to the audience is used to increase the sense of danger and stakes for the characters. In this episode, Sisko sparked a conspiracy intended to improve the war situation which ultimately resulted in the character of Elim Garak committing murder. In the context of the Dominion War, it is solved to hide the truth for the greater good. Writer Michael Taylor has suggested, "This shows how the Deep Space Nine really can stretch the Star Trek formula, it pushes the boundaries in a realistic way, because of Sisko's decisions. making is the kind of decision that must be made in the war, they are for the greater good. "
Season Seven: end of war
Season Seven mapped out further conflict dilemmas. Following the example of Season Six, the authors consider using the bow to summarize some of the series of Domination Wars in a satisfactory way, deciding that Star Trek: Deep Space Nine can not be concluded in one or two episodes only. A ten-episode arc was outlined to end the Season Seven, the Dominion War, and all Deep Space Nine, and more changes were made as the scripting evolved.
The character faces the problem of genocide: in "Treason, Faith, and Great River", Constable Odo learns about the engineering viruses that have been disseminated by Section 31 among the Founders, and in "When It Rains..." Section 31 has infected him. to communicate the disease. While Dr. Bashir supports the provision of the Founders with drugs, others are unsure.
Another opponent reveals himself in the Breen-Dominion pact enacted in "'Til Death Do Us Part". For "The Changing Face of Evil", the authors Ira Steven Behr and Hans Beimler wrote of the second attack on the Federation through the Breen attack on Earth. Then, with the addition of their new Breen ally, Dominion recaptures the Chin'toka system, which sees the destruction of a number of Klingon, Romulan and Federation ships including the USS
The resurgence in conflict provides an opportunity to introduce problems such as post-conflict psychological trauma in the "Siege of AR-558" and injury when the Nog character has a leg amputation in "It's Just a Month Paper". Moore has said that the plot of this episode has been approved after the "extended argument" between Behr and Deep Space Nine creator Rick Berman and that such discussions are a common occurrence when war victims are considered. Michele and Duncan Barrett see the tropes made for the trauma of World War I.
The concept of resistance reopened in the context of Cardassia rather than Bajor. Damar Legate is becoming more and more frustrated with the conflict of deadlock and the situation as a Dominion doll. As the Cardinal's military increased and Dominion Cardassia's control deepened, he became alcoholic and criticized Dominion's power. Damar was originally to be exposed as a double agent for the Federation, but Moore later suggested the Spartacus slave revolution as a model. Resin forms an underground resistance movement, branded a rebel, and hiding. Kira, Garak, and Odo are sent as "technical advisors" to assist him in "When It Rains...".
The relationship between Cardasia and Bajorans, a former enemy turned into an ally, is mapped in "Tacking Into the Wind", where Damar and Kira's group abandon prejudices and collaborate to seize Breen's weapons. Continuing to "The Dogs of War", Damar is forced to choose between his Cardassian counterparts, stubborn in their beliefs, and the support of Kira and others he uses to consider the enemy. As the current turns against Dominion, cut off from the Gamma Quadrant and without technological advantage, stands last prepared. The Female Changeling ordered the destruction of a big city, Lakarian City, to force Cardasia back on the line, but, on the contrary, Fleet Fleet fleet, passing the Alpha Quadrant Alliance's profits. As a result, the attempted destruction of results in the death of 800 million Cardassians in the bombing of Dominion.
Allusions to genocide contrast with ethical discussions about the engineering "Founder disease" and potential healing. In "Extreme Measures", Dr. Bashir and Chief O'Brien found care in the minds of the Section 31 agent, Luther Sloan. The moral debate occurs on what constitutes genocide. While Bashir supports offering drugs to the Founders, Sisko determines that the disease should be allowed to continue to paralyze strong opposition. However, in "The Dogs of War", Odo states that this is a genocide of his species and handed over by Bashir. In return for Dominion's surrender, and the arrest of Women's Damage on alleged war crimes, the Alpha Quadrant alliance allows Odo to heal the rest of his people.
The Treaty of Bajor was signed on the Deep Space Nine in Season Seven finale, "What You Leave Behind, Part II". The conclusion to the Dominion War arc resolves for the Deep Space Nine as a series, and a moment for the production staff to complete the destiny of the main character. Berman and Behr agree with Paramount that the final episode of the series should concentrate on human drama rather than the end of the Dominion War. Moore argues that production staff succeeded in ensuring the Dominion War acts as a tool for deepening characterization. Although a further plot would have been written that the Deep Space Nine continued into the eighth season, Behr received a Dominion War resolution at the end of the Seven Season.

Former cast and production staff
In a 2007 interview with George Takei magazine, George Takei, who plays Hikaru Sulu on Star Trek: The Original Series and his films, depicts Star Trek: Deep Space Nine as representing the "polar opposite" of Gene Roddenberry's future vision and philosophy. Writer D. C. Fontana has stated in an interview that Roddenberry will marvel at the upcoming series for his dark theme, referring to Roddenberry's military service record in World War II.
Roddenberry doubted that the series concentrating on themes other than space exploration survived, and voiced displeasure with the initial concept for the Deep Space Nine presented to him in 1991. Rick Berman has explained that Roddenberry, despite being seriously ill , has given him the blessing for his development, but he has no chance to discuss any ideas with Roddenberry.
Critical reception
John J. O'Connor, writing for The New York Times in January 1993, notes that pre-release commercials for Star Trek: Deep Space Nine offers "new >> Star Trek era "and added," Welcome to the Dark Side, Mr. Roddenberry who is very optimistic is part of the plot that keeps moral points on the rise.The new creators and executive producers, Rick Berman and Michael Piller, are filming , to say, for something more ambivalent, less than perfect. "In September 1996, prior to the start of the Four Seasons, O'Connor was not convinced the series dealt with contemporary themes adequately. He wrote, "However, inevitably, there is an element of fatigue that blanketed the concept.With the Cold War ending, perhaps Roddenberry's optimism seems only naive as the headlines bring news of the split of killings between Serbs and Muslims, Kurds and Turks, Israelis and Palestinians , Irish Catholics and Protestants, and so on throughout the increasingly pressing world.
Cynthia Littleton, writing for Variety in 1998, summarizes the ratings she received at the end of her sixth season: " Deep Space Nine may not come out as high as Nielsen noted as Next Generation , which wrapped up a very successful run in 1994, but DS9 was barely floundering.The show, which bowed in January 1993, was consistently among the top three first-time syndicated clocks at home ladder and demographic rankings. "
In the 1999 edition of the Australian science fiction magazine Frontier, Anthony Leong suggested that Deep Space Nine was not originally considered to include a war story battle from the start. He shows a preference for how the Babylon 5 plot has been created, while acknowledging how the authors of Deep Space Nine have developed an ongoing story line: "... it is rare for series creators to imagine how the series will evolve over time.In addition, the creative process in dramatic television writing tends to be organic, as events in the series will be revealed based on events that preceded it.For example, is a war with Klingon and Dominion in Deep Space Nine is foreseen by its creator back in the first season? Of course not... this event evolves over time through input from the author's staff. "
In 2008, Nader Elhefnawy, a contributor to The Internet Review of Science Fiction, asserted that, although less valued than other science fiction series in the 1990s, Deep Space Nine has developed an interesting character, "thanks The Dominion War, many of the richest and most exciting dramas in the history of the Star Trek franchise. "
Owen Williams, writing for Empire magazine, argues that Star Trek is slow overall to adapt and evolve into new trends, while opting out of the Deep Space Nine > for a special mention: "... arguably even ace DS9 just got a good response for Babylon 5 ..." Adam Smith, head of feature writer for Empire commented in an article in 2009 that, "It's hard to choose the best episode of DS9 without mentioning a story involving the Dominion War." He reports "Search", "In Pale Moonlight" and "Far Beyond the Stars" as a feature favorite feature episode for depiction of dark themes and creating a change of direction.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine was nominated at the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & amp; Horror Film for Saturn Award, from 1997 to 2000, in Best Genre Cable or Syndicated Series. It was nominated in the technical and artistic category at Emmy in every season. Cinescape columnist Andrew Hershberger said in 2003 about the lack of critical success for science-fiction television: "Nobody cool would dare choose a sci-fi show [for an Extraordinary Drama Series] that does not have [Stanley] Kubrick or the name Chris Carter attached to it... If Deep Space Nine is involved, you will hear some real complaints about this goal. "
Academic perspective
Academics have noted how the plots of the Death War story have explored the human soul as much as outer space. Lincoln Geraghty praised the end of the story of the bow and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine as a series, and believes this is an indication of how the series manipulates Star Trek ethos, identifies the theme of ambiguity as part of the narrative. sustainable. Karin Blair, writing in 1997 at the fifth Season, felt that the series reflected a tendency for American culture to reconsider its place in the global community. Michele and Duncan Barrett commented on "a decline in confidence in the haunting rationalism of Deep Space Nine " in their book Star Trek: The Human Frontier.
In contrast, Robert Jewett and John Shelton Lawrence, author of The Myth of American Superhero, argue that the plot of the Dominion War in Deep Space Nine goes on Star Trek. "humanistic militarism", in which the conflict is justified for the sake of humanity. Critics flattened Paramount merchandising, especially the slogan for the Deep Space Nine game: Dominion Wars, which was considered to emphasize combat elements at the expense of other themes.
While television commentators and fans have recorded associations with the Yugoslav War in the 1990s, some academics have noted parallels between Dominican War depictions and other historical conflicts. Michele and Duncan Barrett identified a number of themes related to World War I on Star Trek, especially in the gloomy and expensive alliance and endless victim pages that characterize the prolonged Domino War in DS9

Media spin-off
A number of novels, novels, and short stories have been written for the chronic events of the Dominion War outside the canon:
- Behind Enemy Lines by John Vornholt
- Armband â ⬠by Diane Carey
- Tunnel Through Stars by John Vornholt
- Angel Victims by Diane Carey
- Dominion War Stories edited by Keith R. A. DeCandido
Deep Space Nine: Dominion Wars is a real-time tactical computer game based on the depiction of the Dominion War published by Simon & amp; Schuster Interactive in 2001.
A Call to Arms and The Sacrifice of Angels is the novelization of two episodes of Deep Space Nine related to Cardassian/Dominion work on the station.

See also
- Bajoran
- Bajoran Wormhole
- Changeling
- Dominion
- Jem'Hadar
- Vorta âââ ⬠<â â¬


External links
- Domination War on Memory Alpha (Star Trek wiki )
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine on IMDb
Source of the article : Wikipedia